Лідія Михайленко, Ігор Кушплер, Мар’ян Шуневич – Світлиця (MC 1987)

1987, Yevshan Records – CYFP 2039 (MC) Лідія Михайленко, Ігор Кушплер, Мар’ян Шуневич – Світлиця (З України з любов’ю) / Svitlytsia – From Ukraine with love

01. Повіяв вітер степовий
02. Ой під мостом
03. Соловею
04. Ой там нагорі
05. Чого ти дівчино…
06. Ніченька-циганка
07. Дуб на дуба похилився
08. Гиля-гиля, сирі гуси
09. Люляй мій синочку
10. Шукай любов
11. На вгороді верба рясна
12. Світлиця
13. Джерело
14. Мав я раз дівчиноньку
15. Не покидай мене моя дитино
16. Ой на горі цигани стояли
17. Стояла’м під грушков
18. Ой та м’ята, рута-м’ята

Лідія Михайленко – солістка Київського театру естради
Мар’ян Шуневич – соліст Львівського гурту “Ватра”
Ігор Кушплер – соліст Львівського оперного театру ім. І. Франка

This recording combines the talents of three remarkable musicians who normally do not perform with each other: Lidia Mikhailenko, soloist of the Kiev Music Hall Theatre; Mar’yan Shunevich, soloist of the Lviv Philharmonic and lead singer with the Lviv Vatra Ensemble; and Ihor Kushpler, soloist with the Ivan Franko Opera in Lviv. In 1986, they were invited to prepare a program for performances at the Lviv Pavillion, Winnipeg, during the popular Folk Festival FOLKLORAMA. Because of their popularity, they were invited to return in 1987 and it was then that they cut this album. It is a tribute to their impeccable musicianship and sensitivity that they perform a variety of styles ranging from popular songs, romantic ballads, humorous folk songs to Ukrainian “bahatoholosia” with equal success.
Typical of their repertoire is “Svitlytsia”, words by Bohdan Stelmakh and music by Ihor Bilozir, that was so enthusiastically received by Winnipeg audiences. The song eloquently describes the love for one’s family, home and motherland. The group has a marvellous sense of ensemble and is truly sensitive in their treatment of lyrics and melody. The Ukrainian House of Gifts is proud to present this unique recording.

Manufactured and Printed in Canada
Ukrainian House of Gifts 144
Marion Street Winnipeg, MB. Canada R2H 0T4

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